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How to repair the vacuum oil quenching furnace?

作者:点击:347 发布时间:2022-05-13

The recalibration of the heating power of a vacuum furnace is influenced by a variety of factors, such as longer furnace life, reduced thermal resistance of the heat shield, increased resistance due to evaporation of the electric heating element, etc. Power should be increased appropriately.

In production practice, the empirical calculation method is generally used to determine the power, and the relationship curve between the volume of vacuum furnace with refractory fiber felt heat shield and the heating power. I can confirm 1300. Vacuum furnace heating power. If it is a vacuum furnace with a metal heat shield, it is found that the heating power needs to increase by about 30%.

The maintenance of heat insulation screen heat insulation screen in the vacuum furnace plays the role of heat insulation, sometimes also as the structural basis of the fixed heater. Heat insulation screen structure generally has four kinds: all metal heat insulation screen, sandwich heat insulation screen, graphite felt heat insulation screen and mixed felt heat insulation screen. Different heat insulation board should be grasped when maintaining.

Generally, 1-2 layers close to the heating element are made of molybdenum-tungsten material, and the outer layer can be made of stainless steel material, with as thin thickness as possible (O.2 for small and medium-sized furnaces in general). 0.5 mm.O.5 ~ 1. OMM for large furnaces); Before installation, the surface of the heat shield should be smooth to reduce blackness and enhance reflection. 1300. The number of thermal screen layers of FURNACE C is generally 5 ~ 6 layers, and the interval between layers is 5 ~ 10 mm. The contact area of several layers of radiation plate should not be too large to reduce thermal short circuit. The heat shield shall be retractable and removable to facilitate next maintenance.
